Morocco 2021

Morocco is a bustling, lively country, with beautiful landscape and architecture, very colorful with its intricate tiles everywhere.  I thought at one point a floor in a building was a carpet, but in fact it was a gorgeous mosaic, styled to look like a carpet.

The Sahara desert and the Atlas mountains so serene.  99% of Moroccans are Muslim.  I thought it was beautiful at daybreak to hear the prayers it sounded like music coming from everywhere. My favorite city was Marrakech I would go back there.  I loved the souks and the performers, snake charmers yes I saw them they are for real. Restaurants were wonderful all through Morocco.  I thought the food was great the tangines were wonderful a way to cook in a special pot, stew of every kind of meat or seafood you can think of. 

Morocco Travels Tips and Things to do

Best things to do in Casablanca

  • Visit Hassan II Mosque, it holds 25,000 worshippers and is the 7th largest in the world.  Its minaret is the 2nd tallest in the world
  • Go to the basement in the Mosque,  the ablution area where Muslims wash their hands, forearm, face and feet before prayer. It has 45 fountains shaped like lotus flowers.
  • Travel to Rabat, capital of Morocco visit the Mohammed V Mausoleum
  • Visit Fez a 3 hour ride from Casablanca

Best things to do in Fez, called the cultural heart of Morocco

  • Walk the labyrinth quarter, very narrow walkways of stone, see the souks
  • See all the crafts people working with pottery, bronze.  The pottery is so beautiful, buy a Tangine and try using it at home. Cooking wonderful stews
  • Travel to Volubilis, a UNESCO world heritage site, where there are the best preserved Roman ruins in Africa and where part of the film Patton was filmed, at the Arch of Volubilis
  • Spend a night in the Sahara desert in tents, beautiful sunset
  • Travel to Ouarzazate, see Hit Benhaddou, a UNESCO world heritage site, the earthen buildings, architecture is truly amazing
  • Journey through the high Atlas mountains and the stunning scenery

Best things to do in Marrakech

  • Visit the medina, the old walled part of town, a UNESCO world heritage site a city that is 1000 years old
  • Visit Dar Is Museum, originally a palace with beautiful antiques, amazing tile work
  • Go to Djemaa el-fina, Marrakech’s main square where street performers and food stands are
  • Go into the labyrinthine of souks, very amazing
  • Visit Yves St Laurent Museum and his former residence I loved this

Marrakech Medina

Le Berbere Palace our hotel.

Souks in Marrakech, Morocco is known for there olives, 90% are the Picholine variety

Roadside stand, pomegranates and other fruits and vegetables. Atlas mountains.

1. Tips

I flew Air Maroc it was a direct  flight from JFK to Casablanca a little under 7 hours.  Easy flight. 

I went in November the weather was pleasant but I always had a fleece with me. Bring something warm I also always have a puff patagonia light jacket it folds up to nothing and is wonderful.

If you are driving through the Atlas mountains bring motion sickness meds.  I even was a little nauseous.  This was a trip we drove mostly instead of flying from city to city.

2. Packing Tips

Fortunately unlike other destinations I’ve been to there were no packing restrictions.  I never bring a huge bag I have learned if it’s hard for me to lift I can’t take it.  I found Morocco especially at night to be a little dressier.  They always say casual but you may want to bring a dress or two. Dress conservatively it is a Muslim country.

Currency: The official currency of Morocco is the Moroccan durham (MAD). 1 MAD is equivalent to .094 USD. 

Airlines: I flew Royal Air Maroc a direct flight from JFK to Casablanca. Under 7 hours a fairly short flight. On the way home I had a driver take me from Marrakech to Casablanca. It was about 2.5 hours.

Credit Cards & ATMs: All credit cards are widely accepted everywhere. I never had a problem using them but did exchange some money at the first hotel I stayed in.  I always like to have some local currency for tipping.


In Casablanca, we stayed at the Four Seasons hotel. Views of the Atlantic all around. I felt safe everywhere I walked in Casablanca.
In Fes we stayed at Palais Faraja Suites and Spa. This was one of my favorite hotels we walked down a narrow dirt walkway we all were

thinking where are we going you go to a door and when opened you felt like you were in another world. Very palatial, beautiful antiques I loved my room overlooking a beautiful courtyard. The rooftop bar was amazing overlooking the city of Fez. On our way to our tented hotel we stayed one night in L’Hotel by Chateau de Sable, its in the middle of the desert but we had along drive and this is where we stayed. Nice clean nothing special. The next day we drove into the Sahara by 4 wheel drive vehicles and then by camel and went to our tented camp. Abercrombie & Kent’s property. This is such an experience not luxury but it was nice. There is no heat in the tents, but they have heated blankets it gets cold at night in the desert. The next day we left wen to Ouarzazate . The property was beautiful service was spotty and the hotel needed some updating. But again the furnishings were incredible. We traveled through the Atlas mountains to Marrakech and stayed at the Four Seasons beautiful property, wonderful spa, pools, restaurants I loved it hereI have to say I loved Morocco.  Beautiful landscapes, tile work, pottery, food was incredible  I am adventurous and like to try everything.  Would I go back I would.  I’d like to see a little more of Marakech I found the souks just amazing.  

Final Thoughts

I have to say I loved Morocco.  Beautiful landscapes, tile work, pottery, food was incredible  I am adventurous and like to try everything.  Would I go back I would.  I’d like to see a little more of Marakech I found the souks just amazing.  This was another Abercrombie & Kent tour. Our resident tour director was Hicham Allioui very knowledgable. We were lucky to have someone like him.

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